University of Cambridge

Our neighbour Oscar Randal-Williams tells us about his exciting work at the frontiers of mathematics and the fundamental question he might be just about to answer!

Could there be a fifth force of nature hitherto unknown to science? Find out with physicist Ben Allanach in this episode of Maths on the move.

To celebrate this year's International Women's Day we revisit some of the articles, podcasts and videos we have produced with women mathematicians over the last year.
How did the all the stars and galaxies end up where we see them today? The very first instance of the Universe's existence holds the answer.
How might we go about repairing the Earth's climate? Find out in this episode of our podcast!
As part of our series of interviews with early career researchers, Kweku tells us why he enjoys statistics, life as an early career researcher, and about a favourite mathematical moment.
The Centre for Climate Repair has recently become our neighbour here at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge. But what is climate repair? We talked to the Centre's Director to find out.
How does maths help in tackling infectious diseases? Join Julia Gog to find out in this series of videos and articles, and have a go at modelling diseases yourself!
With just some simple arithmetic, you can build a basic mathematical model of how a disease might spread. Julia Gog explains how, and there's also some Lego action...
You can explore how we might extend our model but running your own epidemic with our Lucky Dip interactivity. Follow along with Julia as she paves the way to a model that is very similar to the mathematics disease modellers use every day.
In Part 3 Julia refines our model to use one of the most important numbers in disease modelling. And there's a chance for you to explore its meaning using a new interactivity.
In the final Part we explore what other aspects we need to consider to make a model more realistic. There's an interactivity that allows you to party, commute, and visit friends and we find out more about what life as a research is like from Julia.