In this podcast we try to capture a flavour of Fields medallist Akshay Venkatesh's work.

In this podcast we ask Akshay Venkatesh what it feels like to win a Fields medal.

In these two videos Akshay Venkatesh tells us about winning the Fields Medal, what he enjoys about maths, and introduces us to the ideas in his work.

We talk to Maria Esteban, mathematician and President of the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

In this podcast we talk to Maria Esteban, mathematician and President of the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Masaki Kashiwara wins the Chern medal for his "outstanding and foundational
contributions to algebraic analysis and representation theory sustained over a period of
almost 50 years."

The Nevanlinna prize winner Constantinos Daskalakis explains why equilibrium may be unattainable and why it's good to be constructive.

In this podcast David Donoho talks to us about his work revolutionising MRI scanners.

If you have ever been in an MRI scanner you'll appreciate the work that Donoho is being honoured for with this prestigious prize.

Good news from the International Congress of Mathematicians!

We speak to Cheryl Praeger about her mathematics and encouraging the next generation of mathematicians.