information about information

The fuzziness of the quantum realm could arise from mathematical restrictions on what can ever be known.
In The Neverending Story a little boy named Bastian discovers that there's something extraordinary about the book he's smuggled into his backpack: it changes as he reads it. The act of reading "The Neverending Story" Bastian finds, is simultaneously the act of writing it. Could our universe be in a similar loop?
A closer look at one of the simplest quantum algorithms.
What will quantum computers be able to do that ordinary computers can't do?
What's stopping us from building useful quantum computers? And how long until we'll have them?
Quantum computers often grab the science headlines. But what exactly is quantum computing? What will quantum computers be able to do, and when can we expect to have fully functional ones?
An untapped resource could provide the magic needed for quantum computation — and perhaps even open the door to time travel.
Here's a brief introduction to the possible future of computing.
Why it's hard to build quantum computers and what can be done about it.
Does the ability to predict the future define the fundamental difference between living and inanimate matter?
These articles introduce some of the question posed by the concept of information and its role in different areas of science and philosophy.
A brief introduction to bits and why they're not the same as 0s and 1s.