University of Cambridge

This talk traces the history of zero, looks at its role in maths and science, and even finds a link to the London Underground map.

Quantum particles that are both light and matter help solve infamous NP hard problems.

The newly observed ripple in spacetime will help us unlock some of the secrets of the Universe.

Holly Krieger works in dynamical systems theory, in particular on chaotic systems. Some of her greatest mathematical moments have come from teaching students.

Julia Gog is a mathematical biologist, helping to understand how infectious diseases spread. One of her favourite eureka moments came while she was playing a computer game.

Nilanjana Datta works in quantum information theory. She loves how mathematics can describe nature simply and elegantly.

Anne-Christine Davis is a professor of theoretical physics whose long career has seen attitudes towards women change for the better. She had to put up with quite a lot at the start.

Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb uses mathematics to process and analyse images. She loves the collaborative nature of maths.

Natalia Berloff is a professor of applied mathematics. It was a problem in network theory that lured her into the exciting world of maths when she was ten years old.

Imagine your weight depended on the colour of your underwear! Something quite similar happens with measurements in quantum physics. Find out more here...