
Communication and ball packing

What does packing balls in higher dimensions have to do with getting your message across?

The LHC and the dark matter mystery

What is dark matter and how can the LHC find it?

Police and thieves

Using maths to simulate the behaviour of criminals.

Crimes and earthquakes

How the maths that is used to predict earthquakes can help fight gang crime.

Elliptic cryptography

How a special kind of curve can keep your data safe.

Maths in a minute: Pretend primes

Fermat's little theorem and fake primes.

From Arsenal to RSA: An interview with Marcus du Sautoy

Marcus du Sautoy talks about football, cryptography, and numbers.

How high is your frustum?

How calculating the height of a frustum gave a glimpse of the mathematical frontier.

Another way of voting

Should we let go of the "one person, one vote" principle?

Kissing the curve – manifolds in many dimensions

Following on from our previous article about curvature of lines and surfaces, we now move up to curvature of their higher dimensional equivalent – manifolds.

Life's quantum crystal ball

Does the ability to predict the future define the fundamental difference between living and inanimate matter?