
A short introduction to the work of Hugo Duminil-Copin

Fields Medallist Duminil-Copin's work in statistical physics brings together his two loves – maths and physics.

A short introduction to the work of James Maynard

Maynard went from a fascination with numbers as a young child to making spectacular contributions to number theory that have earned him a Fields Medal.

A short introduction to the work of June Huh

Huh may have had relatively late start in mathematics but his work with maths you can feel and touch has won him a Fields medal.

A short introduction to the work of Maryna Viazovska

Viazovska is only the second woman to receive a Fields Medal, for her ground-breaking proof to a problem we're all familiar with.

The Fields Medals 2022: Hugo Duminil-Copin

Hugo Duminil-Copin has been awarded a Fields Medal for solving longstanding problems in statistical physics. He told us about how his work brings together his two loves – maths and physics.

The Abacus Medal 2022: Mark Braverman

Mark Braverman has won the Abacus Medal for developing the theory of information complexity. He told us about the role of communication in computation, and why a mathematical view can help you understand how to solve problems while sharing as little information as possible.

The Fields Medals 2022: Maryna Viazovska

Maryna Viazovska has won one of this year's Fields Medals for a ground-breaking result in the theory of sphere packings.

The Gauss Prize 2022: Elliott Lieb

Elliott Lieb has been awarded the 2022 Gauss Prize for outstanding contributions to physics, chemistry, and pure mathematics.

The Chern Medal 2022: Barry Mazur

Barry Mazur has received the 2022 Chern Medal for profound discoveries in topology, arithmetic geometry and number theory.

The Fields Medals 2022: June Huh

June Huh has been awarded a Fields Medal for work on combinatorics and algebraic geometry.

The Fields Medals 2022: James Maynard

James Maynard has won a field medal for his work in number theory. He told us how he went from a fascination with numbers as a young child to making spectacular contributions to number theory.

Maths in a minute: Combinatorics

Whether you want to understand viruses, win at lotto or solve a rubik's cube – you'll need some help from combinatorics.