
Not just a matter of time: The halting problemIn the 1930s Alan Turing discovered a computer program that is logically impossible. What other limits are there to computation?
Not just a matter of time: The busy beaverJourney to the limits of computation with a number that's easy to describe but can't be calculated.
Maths in a minute: How many primes?Here's the ancient proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers.
Maths in a minute: The prosecutor's fallacyWhy a DNA match doesn't necessarily prove your guilt.
Easy as ABC?Mathematicians are working hard to understand an impenetrable proof of the famous ABC conjecture.
What is a block universe?Has the future already already been written? Is time just an illusion? Take a step outside of spacetime with cosmologist Marina Cortês to discover the block universe.
Time in a block universeFundamental physics says time is symmetric - so why does time move forwards for us in a block universe?
Why not block time?Is time real? Are we just puppets living out a future already written? Marina Cortês explains why she thinks time is fundamental and that we don't live in a block universe.
The future is timeMarina Cortês is one of a growing number of physicists who believe time is fundamental. We ask her about the alternatives theories to the block universe, where time comes first.
There may be more than one of youThe possibility that there might be many parallel worlds has just become a little more likely.
Have you heard? The maths of rumour spreading Mathematical models predict how fast a rumour will spread and how many people it's likely to reach.
Hunting and being huntedA model of the interaction between predators and prey explains why sometimes frogs appear to eat snakes.