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Celebrate Pi Day with the stars of our podcast, Maths on the move!

How to sum an infinite series using chocolate.

Find out more about one of the highest honours in maths.

Wet cats don't cause umbrellas and umbrellas don't cause wet cats.

Mathematicians are developing new machine learning techniques to support medical doctors in their work.

There have been accusations that the modelling projecting the course of the pandemic was too pessimistic. Are they justified?

Calculus has long been key to describing the world. Now fractional calculus is providing new ways of describing complex systems.

When you let go of the notions of distance, area, and angles, all you are left with is holes.

Francesca Scarabel may be early on in her research career, but she has already been part of the UK's emergency mathematical response to the COVID-19 pandemic. She tells us about her experience in this podcast.

Could COVID-19 change our expectations for clear air indoors?

Some neat number tricks using numbers read backwards.

Keats complained that a mathematical explanation of rainbows robs them of their magic, conquering "all mysteries by rule and line". But rainbow geometry is just as elegant as the rainbows themselves.