
Pi! Pi! We love Pi!

Happy Pi Day to you! Happy Pi Day to you! Happy 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288.... Day to you! Happy Pi Day to you!!

String theory and art in Cambridge

Interested in the connections between art and science? Then come to this free public lecture at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge on March 14, 2012 to hear theoretical physicist David Berman and artist Grenville Davey talk about string theory as an inspiration to art.

Counting calories

Struggling with that new year's resolution to lose a few pounds? Weight not dropping off as fast as you'd expected? A new mathematical model has some good news and some bad news for you. Which would you like to hear first?

Counting deaths: war as a statistical problem

How many people died? It's one of the first questions asked in a war or violent conflict, but it's one of the hardest to answer. In the chaos of war many deaths go unrecorded and all sides have an interest in distorting the figures. The best we can do is come up with estimates, but the trouble is that different statistical methods for doing this can produce vastly different results . So how do we know how different methods compare?

Postcard from the AAAS meeting in Vancouver – Days 1 and 2

From jelly fish, to biomass, to topology and speeding neutrinos, we've had a busy first two days at the AAAS meeting in Vancouver.

Building a bio computer

Yesterday's refusal by the UK government to posthumously pardon Alan Turing makes sad news for maths, computer science and the fight against discrimination. But even if symbolic gestures are, symbolically, being rebuffed, at least Turing's most important legacy — the scientific one — is going stronger than ever. An example is this week's announcement that scientists have devised a biological computer, based on an idea first described by Turing in the 1930s.

Postcards from (the other) Cambridge - Days 3 and 4

Another postcard from Plus' temporary Cambridge/Boston office!