Intriguing integrals: Part II

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Intriguing integrals: Part II

March 2010

Euler's formula for ex

We want to prove the identity ex=limn(1+xn)n. If we consider the Taylor series for ex, on the left hand side we have ex=1+x+x22!+x33!+x44!+ On the right, we can expand out the product using the Binomial Theorem (1+xn)n=i=0nn(n1)(ni+1)i!(xn)i=i=0nxii!n(n1)(ni+1)ni. The coefficient of xi equals 1i!n(n1)(ni+1)ni=1i!nnn1nni+1n. As n each term here containing n converges to 1 giving limn(1+xn)n=i=0xii!, or exactly the Taylor series for ex.

You might think this argument has made somewhat cavalier use of limits. The following argument, adapted from [1, pg 272], is close to Euler's original. He was even more bold in his use of limits!

"Euler unhesitatingly accepts the existence of both infinitely small and infinitely large numbers, and uses them to such effect that the modern reader's own hesitation must be tinged with envy." [1, pg 272]

Thinking about ex near x=0, and its gradient, we see that, for infinitely small ϵ eϵ=1+ϵ This is illustrated above. Let x be any given number, then N=x/ϵ is infinitely large. So %Missing \end{eqnarray*} ex=eNϵ=(eϵ)N=(1+ϵ)N=(1+xN)N. Written in terms of limits, the infinitely large N would give us (1).


[1] C.H. Edwards, The Historical Development of the Calculus, Springer-Verlag, 1979.

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