
Plus Advent Calendar Door #24: Merry Christmas!

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Plus Advent Calendar Door #24: Merry Christmas!


The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge.

One of the most exciting places in the mathematical world is the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI), an international research centre and our neighbour here on the University of Cambridge's maths campus. The INI attracts leading mathematical scientists from all over the world, and is open to all.

We are proud to be collaborating with the INI to bring the cutting edge mathematics that is being done there to the general public. With this year's advent calendar we celebrated this collaboration by bringing you some of our favourite articles and podcast produced as part of it over 2022. But there is of course much more than that — so with this, the last door of our calendar, we invite you to browse all the things we have produced with the wonderful INI so far. From group theory to Euler's famous formula, there's plenty for you to read on those long Christmassy evenings in front of the fire. Enjoy!

Read all our INI related content!

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