
Plus newsletter hits 1000!

Rachel Thomas Share this page

Plus newsletter hits 1000!


Topping off a great 12 months for Plus, in which we redesigned our website, produced a beautiful new poster and received two years of full funding, we have now welcomed the 1000th subscriber to our free email newsletter.

The Plus email list started in 2001 to let interested readers know when a new issue of Plus was released. In June last year we started sending regular newsletters to the list, usually every two to three weeks, containing links to the latest news published on Plus, websites to browse, a mathematician of the moment, and postings about live maths events. Since then the number of people subscribing to the newsletter each month has tripled, and we reached the magical number 1000 last week.

The new plus poster

The new Plus poster

It is a fitting way to finish a great 12 months for Plus. Like many other educational charities, Plus had been struggling to find enough funds to ensure its future. But in March 2003 we were very pleased to be awarded two years of funding from the John Templeton Foundation. To celebrate, we embarked on a long-planned redesign of our website, finally releasing the full site in January this year.

As well as a new look for the website, we also have a brand new Plus poster that has been distributed to every secondary school in the UK. Copies of the posters are also available online. And with a grant from EPSRC, we are producing more posters later this year, showcasing our Careers Library and the huge range of careers involving maths.

The plus team

Come and meet the Plus team!

The Plus team would like to thank our readers for all their messages and suggestions over the last year, and for their continuing support for the magazine. We always love to hear from you, and look forward to meeting some of you during the Cambridge Science Festival in March. You can meet us on Saturday 13 March in the Large Exam Hall in the Arts School (New Museum Site) and on the following Saturday 20 March at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences on Wilberforce Road.

Plus is looking forward to another great year, and if the email list starts growing exponentially, who knows how many readers we will be celebrating in 12 months time? (The question is left as an exercise for the interested!)