minimal surface

Spencer Becker-Kahn explains what minimal surfaces are and why he likes them.
For over 250 years minimal surfaces have been playing hide and seek with mathematicians. But what are they and why are they interesting?
Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck has been awarded the Abel Prize 2019!
Discover the beauty of surface tension!
What do butterflies, ketchup, microcellular structures, and plastics have in common? It's a curious minimal surface called the gyroid.
A new foam with medical potential
The mathematics of foam coats Olympic swimming venue
Mathematicians find a new minimal surface
Many people find no beauty and pleasure in maths - but, as Lewis Dartnell explains, our brains have evolved to take pleasure in rhythm, structure and pattern. Since these topics are fundamentally mathematical, it should be no surprise that mathematical methods can illuminate our aesthetic sense.
Four mathematicians have finally confirmed that the familiar double soap bubble is indeed the best way to enclose two separate volumes of air.