
Walking the tightrope

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Walking the tightrope

The tightrope walker Nik Wallenda's latest achievement is breath-taking. Without a safety net or harness Wallenda walked the gap between buildings on either side of the Chicago River before crossing between the two Marina City towers — blindfolded. His feat was televised, but with a ten second delay, in case he fell. Thankfully he didn't! You can see part of his walk in the movie on the right, but don't look if you're faint-hearted.

Like any tightrope walker, Wallenda carried a long pole to aid his balance. But why? What's the physics behind it? We rummaged in the Plus archive and found that a few years ago mathematician John D. Barrow had already come up with an answer. The key idea is something called the moment of inertia, which measures an object's resistance to being spun around an axis. The long pole increases the tightrope walker's moment of inertia by placing mass far away from the body's centre line (moment of inertia has units of mass times the square of distance).

As a result, any small wobbles about the equilibrium position happen more slowly. They have a longer time period of oscillation (the period of small oscillations about a stable equilibrium increases as the square root of the moment of inertia) and the walker has more time to respond and restore the equilibrium.

To convince yourself that this really works, you don't need to do a blindfolded tightrope walk 150m above the ground. Simply compare how easy it is to balance a one metre ruler on your finger compared with a ten centimetre ruler.

You can read more about the moment of inertia, as applied to space crafts and boomerangs, in these Plus articles.

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