
Solving crimes with maths: Busting criminal networksA bit of graph theory can help to identify key players in a criminal network.
Reckoning with R: What will happen over autumn and winter?Should we again reduce our social contacts? Is vaccinating 12-to-15-year-olds effective? What about boosters? The ready reckoner helps provide some answers.
Five tools to explain something technicalThere are many ways of explaining technical ideas, and using a range of strategies can give the most intuitive understanding.
Maths in a minute: Asymptotic expansionsApproximating a function with a divergent series.
The power of small things: Resurgent asymptoticsIf you ignore exponentially small terms they can come back to bite you.
Stokes's phenomenon: An asymptotic adventureHow a question about rainbows led to an entire field of mathematics.
Maths in a minute: Maths and musicExplore the connections between maths and music!
The unity of mathematics: a meeting in honour of Sir Michael AtiyahMathematicians from across maths and physics and around the world gathered to celebrate Sir Michael Atiyah.
Winter is coming: Where are we going?What can we expect from the pandemic this winter and autumn?
On the road to dark energy (with chameleons)We may be a little closer to a direct detection of dark energy thanks to a new result that came about, in a sense, by accident.
Black Heroes of Mathematics 2021This inspiring conference featured speakers from Africa, the US, the Caribbean and the UK. Here are some highlights.
Keeping people safe at large eventsHow can sporting events, concerts, or festivals be kept safe in the face of rising COVID-19 infections?