
Editorial, mathematics education, mathematics in the media, public understanding of mathematics, adrian smith
  • Where is the next generation? - more bad news for maths education.
  • Can Plus cure crazy scientists? - the science stereotype persists.
Chaos in the brainSaying that someone is a chaotic thinker might seem like an insult - but, according to Lewis Dartnell, it could be that the mathematical phenomenon of chaos is a crucial part of what makes our brains work.
Cracking codes, part IIIn the second of two articles, Artur Ekert visits the strange subatomic world and investigates the possibility of unbreakable quantum cryptography.
Genius, stupidity and genius againTope Omitola looks back at the tragically short but inspiringly productive life of a true original: Evariste Galois.
The magical mathematics of musicAccording to Shakespeare, music is the food of love. But Jeffrey Rosenthal follows Galileo's observation that the entire universe is written in the language of mathematics - and that includes music.
EditorialStirring the electoral soup
Outer space: The rule of twoInfinities are tricky things and have perplexed mathematicians and philosophers for thousands of years.
Brave young worldsExtrasolar planets have been grabbing the headlines
TsunamiThe tsunami of December 26th 2004 has focused the world's attention on this terrifying consequence of an underwater earthquake. Michael McIntyre explores the underlying wave mathematics.
Editorial, Maths education
  • Wisdom from above - An intriguing debate in the House of Lords on standards in maths education
  • Readers' corner - How many computers does the world need?