
Understanding the diversity of forests using AI

New techniques in artificial intelligence are helping assess the diversity of forests.

The powers of the multiplication table

Explore the amazing patterns that reveal the powers hidden in the multiplication table!

Hiding in plane sight

Flying a plane on a secret mission? Some basic geometry can help you avoid being captured by an adversary.

Maths in a minute: Statistical mechanics

Bridging the gap between the microscopic snd the macroscopic.

Understanding waning immunity

What can we expect from a disease for which natural or vaccine induced immunity wanes?

Maths in a minute: The normal distribution

It's so ubiquitous it's normal!

Maths in a minute: The gamma distribution

How long do you have to wait for more than one thing to happen?

Maths in a minute: Probability distributions

They are incredibly useful, but what exactly are they?

Maths in a minute: The exponential distribution

How long do you have to wait for something to happen?

Maths in a minute: The Poisson distribution

What's the chance that something happens?

Maths in a minute: The binomial distribution

Measuring your chance of success.