List by Author: Rachel Thomas

A breath of fresh air

Could COVID-19 change our expectations for clear air indoors?

The physics of language

Can physics shed new light on understanding language? An exciting new approach that brings together theoretical physics, mathematics and computer science might give us a new way to capture what makes a language unique.

Keeping up with COVID-19

Trying to work out the real time incidence of a disease in the middle of pandemic has never been done before, but the team behind the ONS COVID-19 Infection Survey have developed a way to do just that.

Avi Wigderson: "It's good to have hard problems"

You are faced with a difficult problem, it is not easily solved. How do you feel? Well, if you are Avi Wigderson, one of the winners of the 2021 Abel Prize, you are very happy!

Testing testing in schools

What's the safest way to reopen schools? And can testing make things better?

The magic of shuffling

Want to shuffle like a professional magician? Find out how to shuffle perfectly, imperfectly, and the magic behind it.

The mathematics of shuffling

A journey into the maths of card shuffling gives us a great insight into how mathematicians work.

How long until it's all over?

We can't say for sure, but everything depends on how many people agree to be vaccinated.

Who should be vaccinated first?

Modelling shows that old and vulnerable people should be prioritised.

How were the vaccines tested?

Like any medical drug, vaccines are tested in large-scale randomised controlled trials.

How effective are the vaccines — and how do we know this?

The efficacy of vaccines is estimated from trials, using statistical techniques.

Since herd immunity will protect us all, why do I need to get vaccinated?

Because the vaccine may not stop transmission of the virus.