
Plus Advent Calendar Door #9: The missing poundWe're keeping a watchful eye on the Christmas pounds behind door number 9...
Plus Advent Calendar Door #8: Counting infinitiesHow do I love infinity? Let me count the ways....
Plus Advent Calendar Door #7: Seven is lucky!Seven is a lucky number. No, seriously, it is!
Plus Advent Calendar Door #6: Six out of forty-nineWhat's your chance of winning the lottery?
Plus Advent Calendar Door #5: Five won't fitTriangles do it, squares do it, even hexagons do it — but pentagons don't. They just won't fit together to tile your bathroom wall.
The leaning tower of PISA?This year's PISA results have caused predictable headlines, but do the statistics add up?
Plus Advent Calendar Door #3: Watch your middle!Make a fractal in infinitely many simple steps!
Plus Advent Calendar Door #2: Who will come second?When Archilles and the tortoise race, who will come second? Find out behind door number two!
Plus Advent Calendar Door #1: Looking out for number oneHow can the number one help spot fraud in tax returns, elections, or mistakes in data sets? Find out behind door number 1!
Sneek peek at this year's advent calendar!It's nearly time for the Plus Advent Calendar!
From 70 million to just 600...This year has seen a flurry of results as mathematicians hunt down the elusive proof of the twin prime conjecture. Will they get their wish for Christmas this year?