
Mmmm..... MathsJam!What do card games, crochet, puzzles, post-it notes and beer have in common? They are all vital ingredients to the phenomenon sweeping the UK... MathsJam!
Plus Advent Calendar Door #11: Mmmm..... MathsJam!Maths, puzzles, post-it notes and the pub are waiting for you behind today's door!
Want to be a popular maths author?

We're happy to announce a competition for short popular maths articles open to Plus readers of all ages and backgrounds. The winning article will be published in a forthcoming book provisionally named fifty, which will be published by Oxford University Press to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications in 2014.

Plus Advent Calendar Door #10: Imaginary Barcelona

This year we were lucky enough to see the Imaginary exhibition in Barcelona. It's an interactive mathematics exhibition that inspires the imagination with beautiful images. And what is more exciting it allows anyone to step into the world of maths!

Plus Advent Calendar Door #9: 5136 miles of mathematics

We love the Math/Maths podcast! It's a conversation about mathematics between the UK and USA from Peter Rowlett in Nottingham calls Samuel Hansen in Las Vegas to chat about the math and maths that has been in the news, that they've noticed and that has happened to them.

Plus Advent Calendar Door #8: Women in mathsPlus is edited entirely by women who are happily disregarding gender stereotypes, so we're always happy to highlight women's achievements in maths. We've got lots of content by or about women mathematicians on Plus and here are some of our favourites.
Plus Advent Calendar Door #7: Singing bananaMathematics and silliness is the speciality of James Grime, mathematician, juggler and comedy nerd (though not necessarily in that order). From zombie maths to post-it note dodecahedra: it's all on his YouTube channel
Plus Advent Calendar Door #6: Dining with jellyfish

Plus jetted across the Atlantic in February to attend the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Vancouver. Not only did we feast with (not on) jellyfish at the Vancouver Aquarium, we also found out how to lose weight, how to play Big Brother on the internet, and more...

Plus Advent Calendar Door #5: Science in School!We love Science in School, the European journal for science teachers, featuring news about the latest scientific discoveries, teaching materials and many other useful resources for science teachers. The journal is freely available online, with articles translated into many European languages. The print version (in English) is free within Europe. Here are some of our favourite recent articles.
Plus Advent Calendar Door #4: Does it pay to be nice?

Maths is now an integral part in the study of evolution, describing how mutation and natural selection affect a reproducing population. And now maths has shown that it if you want to get ahead in the evolutionary race, it really does pay to be nice. We were lucky enough to visit the other Cambridge earlier this year to interview Professor Martin Nowak about the mathematics of altruism.

Plus Advent Calendar Door #3: Happy birthday!As we are having a little cake of our own today, we thought we'd look back on another great birthday celebration... Stephen Hawking's 70th birthday!
Plus Advent Calendar Door #2: Vi Hart's hexaflexagons!Hungry? Why not try one of Vi Hart's brilliant Tex Mex Hexaflexgons – maths has never tasted so good!