
Definitely half fullOur image of the week shows one of our favourite topological shapes.
Build a mega Menger!Help to build the world's largest distributed fractal!
Maths takes flightSoon you will be able to step inside a mathematical space and experience the beauty and importance of maths!
Complex colouringOur beautiful image of the week isn't abstract art! At least not on purpose.
Tic-tac-toe, the other way around!How to never lose when playing tic-tac-toe the other way around.
Order in disorderCan we always find order in systems that are disordered? Imre Leader says yes.
Stories about EinsteinA talk by one of our favourite physicists about Einstein, relativity and gravitational waves.
Beautiful commuteChange the way you look at your commute with our image of the week!
Celebrate chance, coincidence and unlikelihood this Friday – Huntrodd's Day!Celebrating a surprising discovery of a surprising coincidence!
Maths takes flight at the Science MuseumOur images of the week are taken from the beautiful design of the new maths Gallery
Rise up for Africa – enjoy music and support maths!!Enjoy music and support maths education in Africa!
Double troubleDouble trouble for our image of the week!