Advent calendar 2012

Without doubt the biggest event in physics and maths this year was the discovery of the Higgs boson. Relive the excitement and understand what it's all about with these Plus articles.

Merry Christmas!

Quick, quick, before the world ends get your head around Schrödinger's equation. A possible consequence of the interpretation is the idea that the universe is constantly splitting into many parallel branches. So while one copy of you might witness a spectacular end to the world today, another can rest assured that it will survive.

The Isaac Newton Institute celebrates its 20th birthday this year, having opened in July 1992. To celebrate we had a rare glimpse behind its venerable doors to explore some of the research programmes that have been held there. As you'll see, what started out as abstract mathematics scribbled on the back of a napkin can have major impact in the real world.

Looking for some Christmas reading? Good news! Eureka have published their first ever digital issue featuring authors such as Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, John Conway and more.

This summer, while at a conference in Poland, we were lucky enough to watch Sara Santos and her maths buskers perform on the streets of Krakow. Find out what maths busking is all about!

Don your lycra and lace your trainers... It's time to look back on a summer of sport and, of course, maths!