computer science

Journey to the limits of computation with a number that's easy to describe but can't be calculated.
With intelligent machines taking over more and more of our jobs, what does the rise of AI mean for humanity?
How can an electronic device fed on a diet of 0s and 1s perform complex tasks? We explore the workings of computers using an example.
You may not have heard his name, but you're making use of his work every single day: Claude Shannon, hailed the father of the information age, would have turned 100 this week.
Claude Shannon's ingenious insight linking physical circuits with Boolean algebra paved the way for modern computing.
Ada Lovelace, born 200 years ago this month, is hailed the world's first computer programmer. What exactly was her contribution to computer science?
The story of George Boole is an extraordinary example of collaboration across the centuries.
Modern computers wouldn't be possible without George Boole, who died before light bulbs even came on the market. We celebrate his 200th birthday with a look at the man and his work.
A closer look at one of the simplest quantum algorithms.
What will quantum computers be able to do that ordinary computers can't do?
What's stopping us from building useful quantum computers? And how long until we'll have them?
An untapped resource could provide the magic needed for quantum computation — and perhaps even open the door to time travel.