mathematical modelling

Game theory suggests that sharing vaccine doses might give a selfish, as well as moral, advantage.

Ed Hill has been working on the COVID-19 pandemic right from the start, providing government with essential epidemiological advice. Find out about his journey in this podcast.

The INTEGRAL project is using artificial intelligence to support the conservation of forests and make better, and healthier, planning decisions for our cities.

A new model of the formation of the Moon's crust finally explains the diversity and range of ages of rocks found on the lunar surface.

New techniques in artificial intelligence are helping assess the diversity of forests.

What can we expect from a disease for which natural or vaccine induced immunity wanes?

Can you capture people's behaviour in epidemiological models?

What can we expect from the pandemic this winter and autumn?

This inspiring conference featured speakers from Africa, the US, the Caribbean and the UK. Here are some highlights.

How can sporting events, concerts, or festivals be kept safe in the face of rising COVID-19 infections?

Mathematicians meet clinicians to challenge the NHS backlog on cardiovascular disease — find out more in this podcast!