mathematical modelling

What do we know about monkeypox, what do we not know, and what efforts are going into modelling it?

The COVID-19 emergency resulted in some amazing mathematical collaborations.

The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the differences between us. Understanding these inequalities is crucial for this and future pandemics.

Now it's the turn of mathematicians to help to improve the communities of the future.

Epidemiologist Matt Keeling tells us about his work on the roadmap out of lockdown, whether the models have been too pessimistic, and what it's been like producing scientific results that carry so much weight.

There have been accusations that the modelling projecting the course of the pandemic was too pessimistic. Are they justified?

We ask the INTEGRAL team about their innovative machine learning approaches to understanding remotely gathered images, and the significant impact these technologies can have on the world.

We all know what turbulence is, but nobody understands it.

Mathematicians help with clearing the massive NHS backlog for heart conditions.

The maths behind the S-curves that allow us to tell if a new variant is on the rise.

How to tell quickly if a new variant is on the rise.

Francesca Scarabel may be early on in her research career, but she has already been part of the UK's emergency mathematical response to the COVID-19 pandemic. She tells us about her experience in this podcast.