number theory

In the run up to the European Congress of Mathematics we continue our series of interviews with mathematicians who've won the prestigious Fields Medal. This week we hear from James Maynard talking about the twin prime conjecture.

Yang-Hui He tells us about his exciting new conjecture that came about due to both artificial and human intelligence, and reveals patterns in the prime numbers that look like flocks of birds.

Artificial intelligence is changing all our lives - even the lives of mathematicians.  Yang-Hui He tells us about his exciting new conjecture that came about due to both artificial and human intelligence, and reveals patterns in the prime numbers that look like flocks of birds.

Find out how a theory from physics has provided tools for solving long-standing problems in number theory. And in turn how number theory helps solve the mystery of black holes.

In this episode we revisit an interview with Ken Ono about the remarkable Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, one of the most fascinating figures in the history of mathematics.

In this special podcast we look back on this remarkable mathematical moment with Andrew Wiles, Jack Thorne and Tom Körner, and how it opened new doors onto the future of mathematics.

Andrew Wiles's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem solved a centuries-old problem by opening a door onto the future of mathematics.

To celebrate the anniversary of its proof, this collection of articles, podcasts and videos explores one of the most beguiling theorems in maths.

In this podcast we talk to James Maynard, who has won a 2022 Fields Medal for his spectacular contributions to number theory.

Maynard went from a fascination with numbers as a young child to making spectacular contributions to number theory that have earned him a Fields Medal.

Barry Mazur has received the 2022 Chern Medal for profound discoveries in topology, arithmetic geometry and number theory.