Pi day

pi cake

We celebrate pi day with a look at the number itself as well as some of its fellow numbers we particularly like.

Celebrate pi day with some of our favourite ideas from the mathematical sciences!

We start the party by delving into the fascinating world of game theory.
From rabbits, to beauty, to myths and more – we celebrate Pi Day with the shiniest and most irrational of numbers!
Since pi is the number of round things, we devote this year's pi day celebrations to...curvature!
Just in time for pi day Emma Haruka Iwao announces that she's calculated a record 31 trillion digits of the beloved number.

On March 14 2010 a mathematician and a magician teamed up to perform what they believed to be the world's largest live magic trick. The trick involved a thousand volunteers from the around the world who, using free choice, each came up with a number that was only known to themselves. And although the volunteer might be on the other side of the globe, the mathematician and the magician were able to read their mind and tell them which number they had chosen.