
Overbooking: How to avoid plane rage

The practice of overbooking has made uncomfortable headlines lately. But how do airlines decide how many tickets to sell for a flight? Here's the maths.

Maths in a minute: Polar coordinates

Polar coordinates are great for circles and spirals!

Citizen science: The statistics of language

Whether you're aware of it or not, the language you use to express yourself follows strict mathematical principles.

The beauty of maths is in the brain of the beholder

Is maths beautiful? New research into the workings of our brains suggests that it is.

Maths in a minute: Cellular automata

Mindless games can produce surprising results.

Introducing Florence Nightingale

A brief introduction to the famous nurse and statistician.

Probably magic!

When you shuffle a deck of cards chances are the order of cards you produced has never been produced before! Find out why and learn a card trick too!

Maths in a minute: Some basic linear programming

How to solve a tricky problem using a picture.

How much maths can you eat?

Find out how maths helps to feed the world.

Where's the maths in beer?

There's actually quite a lot of maths in beer. Here are three beer-related maths stories.

Maths in a minute: The knapsack problem

The simple act of packing your luggage can open a complex can of worms.

Women of mathematics: Holly Krieger

Holly Krieger works in dynamical systems theory, in particular on chaotic systems. Some of her greatest mathematical moments have come from teaching students.