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    The future is time

    Marina Cortês is one of a growing number of physicists who believe time is fundamental. We ask her about the alternatives theories to the block universe, where time comes first.
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    Hunting and being hunted

    A model of the interaction between predators and prey explains why sometimes frogs appear to eat snakes.
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    Time to go retro

    A model of backward causation in which the future affects the past could help unite quantum mechanics and general relativity – and satisfy a challenge thrown down almost a century ago by Arthur Eddington.
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    The cosmic family tree

    Mapping the ancestral history of spacetime in an effort to unite quantum mechanics and general relativity.
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    Is gravity time's archer?

    A new model argues the forces between particles in the early universe loosed time’s arrow, creating temporal order from chaos.
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    The 36 officers problem

    Euler may not have cracked this problem completely, but it led to a lot of important work, including on what we today know as sudoku.
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    The knight's tour

    Can you move a knight on a chessboard so that it visits every square exactly once? Euler was one of the first to analyse this problem systematically, but some questions about it are still open today.