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We explore some of our favourite content on the intersection of mathematics and art.

From tiling bathrooms to fooling cancer cells, and from new insights in topology to bringing research into the classroom — we hope you enjoy our April round-up!

To celebrate this year's International Women's Day we revisit some of the articles, podcasts and videos we have produced with women mathematicians over the last year.

How did the all the stars and galaxies end up where we see them today? The very first instance of the Universe's existence holds the answer.

Explore the wonderful world where geometry meets algebra.

This collection of articles looks at one of the biggest problems in modern physics and at research that aims to solve it.

Generating electricity without the use of fossil fuels is not just an engineering and industrial challenge, it is also a huge mathematical challenge.

The concept of homotopy is a great example of how the language of maths can make intuition precise.

In this special podcast we look back on this remarkable mathematical moment with Andrew Wiles, Jack Thorne and Tom Körner, and how it opened new doors onto the future of mathematics.

Some practical tips to help you when you need it most – when you are sitting at the keyboard, ready (or perhaps not so ready) to put your ideas on the page!

The BloodCounts! project is gearing up towards one of the largest-scale applications yet of machine learning in medicine and healthcare.

"What's a statistician's favourite sandwich filling?" Presenter, writer and comendian Timandra Harkness tells us how to make maths funny.