Philosophy Of Cosmology

Watching the cosmos

When it comes to the entire cosmos, we humans are incredibly small and insignificant. But that's precisely why we need to take ourselves into account when thinking about the Universe. Find out why.

Who's looking at you?

Observers are, of course, vital in physics: we test our theories by comparing them to our observations. But in cosmology, as Jim Hartle explains, we could be one of many possible observers in the Universe and knowing which one we are is vital in testing our theories.

Steady on, Einstein

To celebrate the release of more English translations of Einstein's papers, we revisit one of his previously unknown models of the Universe.

In the beginning…

Bob Wald tells us why probabilities are important in cosmology.

Dreams of the Universe: Is particle physics unscientific?

There are many theories in particle physics that cannot be tested in experiments. Does this make it unscientific? This debate, featuring one of our favourite theoretical physicists, David Tong, explores the question.

Cosmology, philosophy and the multiverse

Is cosmology a science or a branch of philosophy? Mathematician and astronomer Bernard Carr gives some answers.

The multiverse: Science or speculation? If you like to have your mind blown cosmology is a great field to go into. But is it science?
Who made the laws of nature?

What gives an equation the right to call itself a law?

Dreaming the dream Why cosmologists worry about isolated brains that randomly fluctuate into existence.
Why does cosmology need philosophy? George Ellis explains why the study of the cosmos poses some very deep questions.
Why does cosmology need philosophy?

In this podcast George Ellis explains why the study of the cosmos poses some deep philosophical questions.

Problems of gravity

Why (some) physicists want to modify Einstein's general theory of relativity.