The Isaac Newton Institute: Creating eureka moments

One of the most exciting places in the mathematical world is the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (INI), an international research centre and our neighbour here on the University of Cambridge's maths campus.
The INI attracts leading mathematical scientists from all over the world, and is open to all. We are proud to be collaborating with the INI to bring the cutting edge mathematics that is being done there to the general public. The following content is part of this collaboration.

Studying scattered waves

Ice, food, and invisibility cloaks — meet the maths that links them together!

Chocolate and mayonnaise

What do chocolate and mayonnaise have in common? It's maths! Find out how in this podcast featuring engineer Valerie Pinfield.

Maths in a minute: Optimisation

Maths can help you make the best of things!

The lungs of the Earth

How can maths help to understand the Southern Ocean, a vital component of the Earth's climate system?

Julia Gog's mathematical toolkit for pandemics

A mathematical, and personal, look into how we all had to balance the different harms of the virus and the steps we took against it.

Living Proof: Timandra Harkness – How to make maths funny

"What's a statistician's favourite sandwich filling?" Presenter, writer and comendian Timandra Harkness tells us how to make maths funny.

The Abel Prize 2023: Luis A. Caffarelli

This year's Abel Prize goes to Luis A. Caffarelli for a body of work on the maths of change.

Living Proof: Hannah Thomas – Making data accessible

Having empathy with your audience – with all your audiences – is the first step for making your content accessible. Hannah Thomas from the Government Analysis Function explains how you can help.

Living Proof: Communicating from the frontiers of mathematics

What are the challenges of communicating from the frontiers of mathematical research, and why should we be doing it?

Celebrating Pi Day with the stars of our podcast!

Celebrate Pi Day with the stars of our podcast, Maths on the move!

The STEM for BRITAIN awards 2023

Maths meets politics as early career mathematicians present their work at the Houses of Parliament.

Happy International women's day 2023!

Celebrate this year's International Women's Day with some of the articles and podcasts we have produced with women mathematicians over the last year!