List by Author: Marianne Freiberger

How long until it's all over?We can't say for sure, but everything depends on how many people agree to be vaccinated.
Who should be vaccinated first?Modelling shows that old and vulnerable people should be prioritised.
How were the vaccines tested?Like any medical drug, vaccines are tested in large-scale randomised controlled trials.
How effective are the vaccines — and how do we know this?The efficacy of vaccines is estimated from trials, using statistical techniques.
Since herd immunity will protect us all, why do I need to get vaccinated?Because the vaccine may not stop transmission of the virus.
Are the vaccines safe?Yes the approved vaccines are safe. If you balance the risks, then taking the vaccine is much safer than taking your chances with COVID-19.
What's the price for relaxing the rules?We are all longing to go into a lower tier, but this can come at a high price later on.
Dynamic numbersHolly Krieger has won a Whitehead Prize for work that combines number theory and dynamical systems.
Taming complexityMaria Bruna has won a Whitehead Prize for finding a systematic way of simplifying complex systems.
Going back to uni during a pandemicWhat can maths tell us about how to make universities safe from COVID-19?
Unlocking the workforceHow can we all get back to work safely in the face of a lingering pandemic?
Life, choice, and other problemsWe explore some problems physics as we know it has trouble dealing with and a new theory that may provide answers.