List by Author: Marianne Freiberger

Wavelets catch Abel PrizeThis year's Abel Prize has been awarded to Yves Meyer for the development of an incredibly powerful mathematical tool.
Riding the pilot wavePilot wave theory is an extension of quantum mechanics that doesn't exhibit any of that weird randomness or fuzziness. But that doesn't mean it's totally sane. Here is a quick introduction.
Strategic dating: The 37% ruleAre you stumped by the dating game? Never fear — Plus is here! This article looks at one of the central questions of dating: how many people should you date before settling for something serious?
Hilbert's hotelHow to squeeze infinitely many new guests into a full hotel.
Watching the cosmosWhen it comes to the entire cosmos, we humans are incredibly small and insignificant. But that's precisely why we need to take ourselves into account when thinking about the Universe. Find out why.
Watch and learnA brief introduction to the strange theory of quantum mechanics and how it appears to afford a special role to observers.
The happy ending problem So easy to describe, yet so hard to prove.
Easy as ABC?Mathematicians are working hard to understand an impenetrable proof of the famous ABC conjecture.
There may be more than one of youThe possibility that there might be many parallel worlds has just become a little more likely.
The Basel problemThis problem about an infinite sum has a surprising answer.
Euler's polyhedron formulaThis surprising result about 3D shapes tells us something deep about the nature of space.
The 36 officers problemEuler may not have cracked this problem completely, but it led to a lot of important work, including on what we today know as sudoku.