List by Author: Marianne Freiberger

Emmy Noether and the power of symmetry2018 is the centenary of a mathematical result that changed the character of physics.
Packing spheresHow to arrange oranges in higher dimensions.
Fantastic fractalsEscaping the tyranny of the straight line.
Dodging Doppler: Atomic clocks and laser coolingAtomic clocks are the best time keepers, but need to be kept incredibly cold. Paradoxically, the cooling is achieved by shining light on them.
Blockchain: Spreading trustBitcoin is a digital currency that isn't regulated by any kind of central authority. The structure which allows this decentralisation is called blockchain. But how, and how well, does it work?
What is pharmaceutical statistics?What do statisticians do in the pharmaceutical industry?
Elusive equilibriaThe Nevanlinna prize winner Constantinos Daskalakis explains why equilibrium may be unattainable and why it's good to be constructive.
The Fields Medal 2018: Caucher BirkarCaucher Birkar has been awarded the Fields medal for his contribution to algebraic geometry.
How to tame uncertaintyHow can we get a grip on the uncertainties in mathematical models?
Intuitive mathematicsCan a mathematical object be said to exist if you can't construct it?
Something from nothing?If you can prove that a statement can't possibly be false, does this mean it's true?
The real numbers and Cauchy sequencesWe take the real numbers for granted, but what are they really?