
What's happening at the LHC?

It's been nearly 18 months since the Large Hadron Collider at CERN started up and scientists are eagerly awaiting their first glimpse into the cosmic mysteries it was designed to explore. But when can we realistically expect the first ground-breaking discoveries to come through? Last week, John Ellis, outgoing leader of the theory division at CERN, addressed an audience of physicists at the University of Cambridge to update them on the current state of play. Plus went along and also managed to catch Ellis for a quick interview.

Maths in a minute: negative numbers
Negative numbers are easy to imagine if you think of the number line as a giant thermometer which includes sub-zero temperatures. This makes addition and subtraction easy, as you just move up or down the number line by the according amount.
Browse with Plus: Straight StatisticsStraight statistics is a campaign set up by journalists and statisticians to improve the use of statistics by government, the media, companies and everyone else who uses stats. On the Straight Statistics website you can find all sorts of interesting articles responding to stats as they come up in the news - whether it's lucky house numbers, the impact of bird flu, or your chance to reach your 100th birthday.
Student wins maths photo competition

Sixteen-yeat-old Rebecca Simpson has won a national competition to produce a creative photo connected to maths. The competition was run by Maths Inspiration, who organise maths lecture events in theatres around the country. Rebecca's entry, entitled Box and whiskers, depicts a cat being measured for its level of cuteness. It's a play on box and whiskers diagrams, which will be familiar to any GCSE maths pupil.

Plus Advent Calendar Door #24: Merry Christmas!

This is it! The holidays have started, the turkey is defrosting and the presents are all wrapped ... all you have to do now is relax and be kind to one another. So the very last door of our advent calendar is devoted to love. The Plus team wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Plus Advent Calendar Door #23: Prime pleasures
p>23 is a prime number. Mathematicians love primes. But why? Find out with this prime collection of prime articles.
Plus Advent Calendar Door #22: Magic!

Oh, Christmas is so magical! But of course magic often boils down to being surprised. Find out how mathemagicians trade off the fact that you can usually predict precisely the outcome of doing something in mathematics, but only if you know the secret beforehand. Here's for some maths and magic!

Plus Advent Calendar Door #21: More maths music

Mathematicians are often good musicians. To prove this, here are some impressive compositions. Enjoy!

Plus Advent Calendar Door #20: Party problemsIt's time to get out those party invitations! Trouble is, your sister doesn't get on with your boyfriend, your boyfriend doesn't like your best mate, and your best mate's just broken up with your cousin. Who do you invite?
Plus Advent Calendar Door #19: Fun with fractals

Oh, those beautiful snowflakes! They've put us in the mood for fractals, so let's celebrate some favourite shapes.

Plus Advent Calendar Door #18: Christmas puzzles

For those of you whose holiday has already started, here are a couple of christmassy puzzles to cuddle up on the sofa with.

Plus Advent Calendar Door #17: And now, the weather...
As the odds for a white christmas in the UK shorten and we rug up for another snowy weekend, let's look behind door #17 for the latest forecast...