
Celebrating Stephen HawkingIn memory of Stephen Hawking we look at the equation he was most proud of.
The best of both worldsStraddling the boundary between pure and applied mathematics.
Happy International Women's Day!We celebrate with some of our favourite articles and interviews with female mathematicians and physicists from the last year.
Exploring rare genetic resourcesYou could help researchers understand the genetics, and potential links, between mathematical talent and autism.
David Spiegelhalter's favourite people of scienceDavid Spiegelhalter, one of our favourite experts on statistics, recently joined David Attenborough, Bill Bryson and other eminent contributors on the Royal Society's People of Science series. You can watch the video here.
Happy e day!Today is e day! Celebrate the lovely number e with some of our favourite articles on the topic.
Bizarre conclusion from alcohol studyCan a pint a day give you dementia? Yes, if reported claims of a recent study are to be believed, but no if you have a closer look at the data the study was based on.
Spaghetti, chance and typhoidIn 1915 a cook in California accidentally infected 93 people with typhoid. Over 100 years on mathematicians shed light on a long-standing mystery surrounding this and other outbreaks of infectious diseases.
Celebrating the new year with a new prime!Mathematicians are celebrating the new year with a new discovery – the largest known prime number
Mathematician advises the Home OfficeStatistics professor John Aston has been appointed as the Home Office's new Chief Scientific Adviser.
On the tilesOur colleague Becky Warren has been distracting us with her wonderful tiling puzzles...
Quantum device solves very hard problemQuantum particles that are both light and matter help solve infamous NP hard problems.