Reviews and recommendations

'Snowflake, seashell, star'This mathematical colouring book is making us very happy.
'Professor Stewart's Incredible Numbers'A review of Ian Stewart's latest master piece.
'Interstellar'Take a journey from science fact into science fiction.
'The Simpsons and their mathematical secrets'Simon Singh's latest book is out in paperback. Here's our review.
'The imitation game'Here is our review of the film portraying mathematician and code breaker Alan Turing.
'Alex through the looking glass'Alex Bellos' new book is an enjoyable tour of the fun bits of mathematics.
'Our mathematical Universe'The message of this book is that the cosmos is much bigger, and much stranger, than you might have thought. Indeed, it is bigger and stranger in ways you probably have not thought about! Find out more in this review of Tegmark's book.
Maths Inspiration on DVDMaths Inspiration delivers inspiring, fun and educational maths lectures to live audiences of school students. In response to demand from teachers and parents, the latest shows, specially for students aged 13-16, have been filmed. This is a review of the resulting DVD box set.
'The intelligent web'The internet provides access to overwhelmingly big data — how can we best gain knowledge from it?
'An accidental statistician'"All models are wrong, but some are useful," is what the well-known statistician George Box said about statistical models. We look at his autobiography which, although not what you might expect, is a fascinating read.
'X and the City'This book is an exploration of urban landscapes, providing a fresh view on metropolitan life.
'X&Y'It's not often you see a maths professor reduced to zero on stage and then stuffed into a bag. But this is exactly what happened to Marcus du Sautoy at the Science Museum — and by means of a mathematical argument at that. Only du Sautoy wasn't being himself of course. He was playing the role of X in the new play, X&Y.