
One of the most puzzling aspects of human behaviour is cooperation, in situations where backstabbing and selfishness would seem to be more rewarding. From the point of view of evolutionary theory, the very existence of altruism and cooperation appear mysterious.
How do green algae manage a perfect breaststroke even though they haven't got a brain? Enter the maths of synchronisation.
Ray Goldstein explains what little green algae have told us about evolution the maths of synchronisation.
How do green algae manage a perfect breaststroke even though they haven't got a brain? Enter the maths of synchronisation.
Why do most of us stick to social rules? Game theory offers an explanation.
A new study suggests that monkeys have a basic grasp of probabilities.
Some uncomfortable problems in our understanding of life.
Geneticists find fascinating clues to the origin of life.
How many possible genetic relationships are there between a collection of different species? The answer is mind-bogglingly large.
Why evolution through natural selection is more than a mere "theory".
Where does our ability to do abstract maths come from? A new study sheds some fascinating light on the question.
People as well as animals are born with a sense for numbers. But is this inborn number sense related to mathematical ability? A new study suggests that it is.