Fibonacci number

Explore the connections between mathematics and music at the La La Lab exhibition.
You may have heard about the Fibonacci sequence, but have you heard of N-bonacci sequences?
The origin story of this famous sequences stars some cute, fluffy bunnies.
You've heard of the golden ratio but have you heard of the silver ratio? And all its other cousins called the metallic numbers? Read this article to meet the family!
From Fibonacci to spirals: explore the mathematical wonders of metallic numbers.
A quick introduction to a famous number.
Bees do it, rabbits do it, and luckily, we humans can do it too: explore the famous Fibonacci sequence!
Does the famous Fibonacci sequence always appear in sunflower seed heads?
Anything involving bunny rabbits has to be good.
Patterns and structures lie at the heart of mathematics, some even say they are mathematics. But how do they help us do mathematics?
The Fibonacci sequence – 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... – is one of the most famous pieces of mathematics. We see how these numbers appear in multiplying rabbits and bees, in the turns of sea shells and sunflower seeds, and how it all stemmed from a simple example in one of the most important books in Western mathematics.
Dan Brown in his book, The Da Vinci Code, talks about the "divine proportion" as having a "fundamental role in nature". Brown's ideas are not completely without foundation, as the proportion crops up in the mathematics used to describe the formation of natural structures like snail's shells and plants, and even in Alan Turing's work on animal coats. But Dan Brown does not talk about mathematics, he talks about a number. What is so special about this number?