neural network

In this episode of Maths on the move Kweku Abraham explains the maths behind the amazing advances we've seen in AI.

Take a dive into deep learning - a spectacularly successful development in artificial intelligence!

Whether you're lost on a mountainside, or training a neural network, you can rely on the gradient descent algorithm to show you the way!

Machine learning makes many daily activities possible, but how does it work?

Join us as we follow Kathryn Hess on a mathematical mystery tour of the marvellous intricacy of the brain!

When trying to build an artificial intelligence, it makes sense to mimic the human brain. Artificial neurons do just that.

What is machine learning, what can it do, and is it ethical?

Artificial neural networks grew out of researchers' attempts to mimick the human brain. In 1997 the Isaac Newton Institute hosted a landmark research programme in the area. Today, neural networks are able to learn how to perform complex tasks and are crucial in many areas of life, from medicine to the Xbox.

We like to think of the human brain as special, but as we reported on Plus last year, it has quite a lot in common with worm brains and even with high-performance information processing systems. But how does it compare to online social networks? In a recent lecture the psychiatrist Ed Bullmore put this question to the test.