prime number distribution

A quick look at one of the most important theorems in number theory.
Mathematicians have revived an old approach to solving the famous Riemann hypothesis.
In this excellent talk the mathematician Vicky Neale gives a fascinating and easy-to-follow introduction to the prime numbers.
This year's Abel Prize has been awarded to the Belgian mathematician Pierre Deligne for "seminal contributions to algebraic geometry and for their transformative impact on number theory, representation theory, and related fields".
One of the most surprising things about mathematics is its many unsolved mysteries. Mathematics is far from "done and dusted", and Steve Humble shows us how we can come up with some mathematical mysteries of our own.
The prime numbers are the atoms amongst the integers, and while we know that there are infinitely many of them, there's no general formula that generates them all. Julian Havil looks at a little-known algorithm that sieves out all primes up to a given number, and which is astonishing in its simplicity.
  • Happy birthday Plus! — celebrating 10 years of bringing mathematics to life
  • Plus 10 — what were the greatest mathematical advances in the last decade?
The Riemann Hypothesis is probably the hardest unsolved problem in all of mathematics, and one of the most important. It has to do with prime numbers - the building blocks of arithmetic. Nick Mee, together with Sir Arthur C. Clarke, tells us about the patterns hiding inside numbers.