
This podcast featuring Paul Davies, a theoretical physicist and cosmologist at Arizona State University and Director of BEYOND: Centre for Fundamental Concepts in Science, explores this difficult question and accompanies our What is time article.

A possible way of resolving the greatest problem of physics.

The impact of GPS on our lives is celebrated with the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering.

We asked cosmologist Pau Figueras everything we’ve ever wanted to know about black holes. In this podcast he explains what black holes are, physically, and how we hope to observe them.

Physicists have finally detected the gravitational waves they have been chasing for nearly 100 years.

A hundred years ago, on 25 November 1915, Einstein first presented his general theory of relativity. We explore this famous theory and what it says about the world we live in.

Pau Figueras explains how Einstein's theories predicted the existence of black holes, and how to describe them mathematically.

We asked cosmologist Pau Figueras everything we’ve ever wanted to know about black holes. In this podcast he explains what black holes are, physically, and how we hope to observe them.

At the heart of modern physics lurks a terrible puzzle: the two main theories that describe the world we live in just won't fit together.