standard model

A new particle that has recently been discovered at CERN confirms predictions made by theoretical physicists over six years ago.
What is a particle phenomenologist?
What is everything made of? In the final article in this series, Elias Gårding takes us to the very edge of our current knowledge.
What is everything made of? In the third article in this series, Elias Gårding takes us down the QFT rabbit hole.
What is everything made of? In the second article in this series, Elias Gårding reveals the equation that captures (almost) all the known laws of nature.
What is everything made of? Elias Gårding begins a fascinating series of articles that will tell you everything we currently know about the answer to this question.
CERN's Large Hadron Collider is one of the few scientific experiments to sparked wide-spread media coverage, particularly with the 2012 announcement of the discovery of the long-sought Higgs boson. So what really goes on at CERN and why the hubbub about the Large Hadron Collider, known as the LHC?
This year's Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded for results that shed light on mysterious fundamental particles called neutrinos.
What are the mysteries that still remain in particle physics?
It's amazing to think that our world is based on a handful of fundamental particles and forces. Find out how it all fits together.
Research into the bizarre world of neutrinos helps to piece together the creation story of the Universe.
The 2013 Nobel prize in physics goes to Peter Higgs and François Englert for proposing the mechanism that gives things mass.