
Maths in a minute: The gamma distributionHow long do you have to wait for more than one thing to happen?
Maths in a minute: Probability distributionsThey are incredibly useful, but what exactly are they?
Maths in a minute: The exponential distributionHow long do you have to wait for something to happen?
Maths in a minute: The Poisson distributionWhat's the chance that something happens?
Maths in a minute: The binomial distributionMeasuring your chance of success.
Why the generation time of COVID-19 is importantTo work out the famous R number you need to know the time between infections.
Understanding the generation time for COVID-19How long does it take for one person to infect another?
ParabolatiA beautiful argument to show that all parabolae are similar.
How to work out doubling timeThe doubling time for the Omicron variant seems to be scarily fast. But how do you calculate it?
Maths in a minute: QALYsWhat's a quality adjusted life year, or QALY?
Pandemics and psychologyCan you capture people's behaviour in epidemiological models?
Maths in a Minute: Turbulence and the Reynolds numberHow does a smooth flow suddenly become turbulent? The Reynolds number helps understand the transition.