
Hiding in plane sight

Flying a plane on a secret mission? Some basic geometry can help you avoid being captured by an adversary.

Maths in a minute: Statistical mechanics

Bridging the gap between the microscopic snd the macroscopic.

Understanding waning immunity

What can we expect from a disease for which natural or vaccine induced immunity wanes?

Maths in a minute: The normal distribution

It's so ubiquitous it's normal!

Maths in a minute: The gamma distribution

How long do you have to wait for more than one thing to happen?

Maths in a minute: Probability distributions

They are incredibly useful, but what exactly are they?

Maths in a minute: The exponential distribution

How long do you have to wait for something to happen?

Maths in a minute: The Poisson distribution

What's the chance that something happens?

Maths in a minute: The binomial distribution

Measuring your chance of success.

Understanding the generation time for COVID-19

How long does it take for one person to infect another?


A beautiful argument to show that all parabolae are similar.