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The mathematical shapes in your brain

Join us as we follow Kathryn Hess on a mathematical mystery tour of the marvellous intricacy of the brain!

Maths in a Minute: Simplices – the atoms of topology

If you love triangles as much as we do, we have great news – you can have them in any dimension you want!

Maths in a minute: Artificial neurons

When trying to build an artificial intelligence, it makes sense to mimic the human brain. Artificial neurons do just that.

Complex square roots

How to take the square root of a complex number — and discover a beautiful new surface in the process.

Euler's formula

There are a million things in maths named after Leonard Euler. Here's a beautiful formula involving complex numbers.

Going with the flow: are lateral flow tests useful?

Lateral flow tests have become a common feature in our lives. What impact can they have on managing COVID-19?

Where are England footballers born?

Which region of England produces the most England players?

Maths in a minute: The Wells-Riley model

How do you calculate your risk of catching an airborne disease?

Maths in a Minute: Computational fluid dynamics

The mathematical equations governing fluid flow may have no known solutions, but maths still has the answers!

The Delta variant: What do we know?

As the Delta variant is worrying the UK, researchers from the JUNIPER consortium have published all they know about it.

A breath of fresh air

Could COVID-19 change our expectations for clear air indoors?

Maths in a minute: The positive predictive value

When you receive a positive test result for a disease, the chance you actually have it depends on how common the disease is.