
Celebrating international cat day!To mark international cat day, here's a quick look at the most famous cat in the history of science: Schrödinger's cat.
Celebrate pi day with game theory!We start the party by delving into the fascinating world of game theory.
The STEM for BRITAIN awardsEarly career researchers have presented their work to politicians at the Houses of Parliament.
Happy International Women's day 2022!We celebrate by revisiting some of the articles and podcasts we have produced with female mathematicians over the last year.
The Moon once churned an ocean of slushy magmaA new model of the formation of the Moon's crust finally explains the diversity and range of ages of rocks found on the lunar surface.
Maths helps curb COVID-19 in schoolsUK Schools have received more than 300,000 CO2 monitors as part of a government initiative that has received significant input from mathematicians.
On the road to dark energy (with chameleons)We may be a little closer to a direct detection of dark energy thanks to a new result that came about, in a sense, by accident.
Happy Ada Lovelace Day!We celebrate with some of our friends, all women doing pioneering work using machine learning in a wide range of applications.
Mathematics without bordersThe International Mathematical Union has celebrated its 100th anniversary with a conference entitled Mathematics without borders.
The 2021 Nobel Prize in PhysicsComplex systems go! The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Celebrating a new pi record!Scientists have calculated the decimal digits of the number pi to a record 62.8 trillion places.
The Delta variant: What do we know?As the Delta variant is worrying the UK, researchers from the JUNIPER consortium have published all they know about it.