
Pedaler en grand braquet – Tour de France zooms through Cambridge!The Tour de France zoomed past the home of Plus yesterday! We offer the riders a little mathematical edge in their quest for the yellow jersey…
Scared of swine flu? Avoid children!New analysis of the 2009 swine flu pandemic in the US shows that the pandemic wave was surprisingly slow, and that its spread was probably accelerated by school-age children.
Lost but lovely: The haversineIt's trigonometry's best kept secret!
Why 7 is specialWhy we all love 7 (according to Alex Bellos).
50 Visions of Mathematics – fractal elephantsHere is our image of the week!
Millions for mathsFive mathematicians turned into millionaires this week when they were awarded the Breakthrough Prize set up by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and internet entrepreneur Yuri Milner.
Celebrating Alan Turing's birthdayMonday 23 June 2014 would have been Alan Turing's 102nd birthday. One of the 20th century's great mathematicians, Turing made profound contributions to a wide range of fields including computer science, artificial intelligence and mathematical biology, and played a key role in the codebreaking work at Bletchley Park during World War II. Learn more about his life and mathematical work with these articles and video.
Feeling tense about tensors?Recently we had to learn about tensors for an upcoming article. Although they seem confusing at first, they are just a way of capturing information we are all used to. Nothing to feel tense about!
Queen's Birthday Honours for David Spiegelhalter and Helen MasonCongratulations to Plus contributors David Spiegelhalter and Helen Mason, who join Maggie Smith, Angelina Jolie and Daniel Day-Lewis in the 2014 Queen's Birthday Honours list!
Paul the psychic octopus is back! How we miss Paul the psychic octopus and his uncannily accurate predictions of world cup glory! And we're not the only ones, Google clearly does too! But just how psychic was Paul anyway?
'Our Universe and Others' by Martin ReesThe Astronomer Royal examines the evolution of our Universe and the important role of the constants of nature in this filmed public talk.