
Circle graffitiOur image of the week shows mathematical street art.
Snow, snow, beautiful snow!Our images of the week show the amazing snow art created by Simon Beck.
Dreams of the Universe: Is particle physics unscientific?There are many theories in particle physics that cannot be tested in experiments. Does this make it unscientific? This debate, featuring one of our favourite theoretical physicists, David Tong, explores the question.
Rolling parabolicallyIf you roll a parabola along a straight line then the shape its focus traces out as it goes is ... a catenary!
Find out what you didn't know you didn't know!Why do diamonds sparkle? Where is the 4th dimension in Dali's paintings? Find out the answer to these and 98 other questions about maths and art at John Barrow's talk to launch his new book.
Chemical bondingOur image of the week is all about chemistry!
Why the Met Office needs a £97m supercomputer The complex maths of weather and climate.
Walking the tightropeWhy does a long pole help balance?
Fighting epidemics with mathsHow maths helps us understand and fight infectious diseases.
Ten years, 100,000 teenagersHappy tenth birthday to Maths Inspiration – the fantastic project that has delivered interactive maths shows to over 100,000 teenagers!
Revealing a lost space: The British Museum courtyardOur image of the week shows the courtyard of the British Museum in London with its beautiful glass and steel roof.